What is the difference between "and" and "&&" in Ruby or between "||" and "or"?

First of all, all of them are logical operators, but the assignment operator = has higher precedence than and and or, but lower precedence than && and ||.

And if not understood correctly it can lead to tricky and unexpected results, for instance:

irb(main):064* def execute_notification
irb(main):065*   puts 'execute_notification'
irb(main):066> end
=> :execute_notification
irb(main):067> execute_notification
=> nil
irb(main):068> result = true and execute_notification
=> nil
irb(main):069> result
=> true
irb(main):070> result = false and execute_notification
=> false
irb(main):071> result
=> false
irb(main):072> result = true or execute_notification
=> true
irb(main):073> result = false or execute_notification
=> nil
irb(main):074> result
=> false
irb(main):075> result = true && execute_notification
=> nil
irb(main):076> result
=> nil
irb(main):077> result = false && execute_notification
=> false
irb(main):078> result
=> false
irb(main):079> result = true || execute_notification
=> true
irb(main):080> result
=> true
irb(main):081> result = false || execute_notification
=> nil
irb(main):082> result
=> nil